Dr Parveen, PhD, CWLS, DACE
Alliance Partner
As a learning designer, facilitator, coach, and workplace-learning specialist, Parveen drives human-centred learning. She uses cutting-edge research in neuroscience on how people learn to design impactful learning that transforms. Participants walk away wowed by both the quality of their learning experience and the transformational depth of their takeaways.
Parveen founded Surge Consulting in January 2017. Among other unique programmes, she developed uCoach™ for busy leaders with a training function as a condensed blended-learning programme that has gained adoption among corporate clients. She recently completed the much-acclaimed Brain-based Coaching Course provided by New York’s renowned NeuroLeadership Institute. She is the joint winner of the prestigious FLAME AWARD (2017), an initiative by iN. Lab (SkillsFuture Singapore) to drive learning innovation nationwide.
As Specialist Adult Educator at the Institute for Adult Learning since 2011, Parveen consistently receives high evaluation scores and notes of appreciation from participants. Clients and industry educators in Singapore respect her as a dedicated specialist adult educator with the rare ability to apply research-based learning and development knowledge to meet the practical workplace needs of a rapidly changing world.
Parveen is one of 12 appointed ‘Adult Educator Mentors’ for the country and a highly sought-after moderator at industry panel discussions on new directions for adult learning.
Watch, learn and apply new insights at this AIM Masterclass on how Dr Parveen walks the talk, modelling the use of an effective and human-centred learning design and impactful facilitation that you will master with practice.